Children and Adolescents in Times of Crises in Europe

Children and Adolescents in Times of Crises in Europe

von: Marc Grimm, Baris Ertugrul, Ullrich Bauer

Springer-Verlag, 2019

ISBN: 9783030163310

Sprache: Englisch

214 Seiten, Download: 2564 KB

Format:  PDF, auch als Online-Lesen

geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop


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Children and Adolescents in Times of Crises in Europe

  Acknowledgments 6  
  Introduction: Children and Adolescents in Times of Crisis in Europe 7  
     Current State of Research 8  
     Complex Crises 9  
     The Contributions 10  
     References 14  
  Contents 15  
  About the Contributors 17  
  Part I: Methodological Challenges of a Child-Oriented Crises Research 21  
     Chapter 1: Theories for a Childhood and Youth-Related Crisis Research 22  
        Introduction 22  
        Social-Theoretical Recourse 24  
           Durkheim and Moral Crisis 24  
           Breaching or Crisis Experiments of Ethnomethodology 26  
           Bourdieu and the Crises of Dispositional Systems 27  
        Society Within the Subject and the Subject of Society 29  
           Problem-Related Convergences 29  
           Epistemological Divergences 29  
           Habitus as Analytical Concept 30  
        Conclusion 32  
        References 33  
     Chapter 2: Crises and Future Expectations from the Perspective of Children and Adolescents 35  
        Introduction 35  
        The Neoliberal Crisis: Bourdieu’s Social Theory and Its Empirical Access 37  
        Crisis Research: The Actors as Focus 39  
        Bourdieu’s Missing Developmental Perspective 41  
           Bourdieu’s Missing Perspective in Childhood and Adolescent Research 42  
        The Weight of the World on Children and Adolescents 43  
        Conclusion 45  
        References 45  
     Chapter 3: Epistemological Questions of Qualitative Crisis Research. Exploring the Attitudes of Children and Adolescents on Migration and Meritocratic Ideas of Society 47  
        Exploratory Interviews 48  
           Nisrin “Do They Just Sit Around at Home All Day?” 49  
           Johanna “The First Thing Is to Do Away with War…” 51  
           Exploring Children’s Subjectivity 54  
        Foundations of Childhood- and Adolescence-Centred Crisis Research 56  
           Children and Adolescents on the Subjective Level 56  
           Pedagogical Conditions 57  
        Conclusion 58  
        References 58  
  Part II: Impacts of Crises 60  
     Chapter 4: Insecure Right from the Start? Socialization Effects of Parental Self-Perceived Job Insecurity 61  
        Introduction 61  
        Job Insecurity and Its Currently Known Intergenerational Consequences 63  
        Socialization Effects of Parental Job Loss Worries on the Occupational Development of Adolescent Children 65  
        Data, Measures, and Analysis Strategy 67  
           Data and Sample 67  
           Measures 67  
           Analysis Strategy 68  
        Findings 69  
           Descriptive Results 69  
           Multivariate Results 71  
        Summary and Conclusion 74  
        References 76  
     Chapter 5: Child Wellbeing: From Crisis in Families to Crisis of Welfare 79  
        Introduction 79  
        Studies on Child Wellbeing and Family Change 81  
        Economic Crisis, Family Structure and Child Subjective Wellbeing 84  
        Incidence of Parenting on Child Subjective Wellbeing 87  
           Marital Status, Quality of Partner Relationships and Child Subjective Wellbeing 87  
        Socioeconomic Crisis, Parental Involvement and Child Subjective Wellbeing 89  
        Conclusions 90  
        References 90  
     Chapter 6: On the Extremes: Poverty of Young Adults in Greece and Germany (2008–2012) 97  
        Introduction 97  
        Poverty in Households with Young People 99  
           Household Structure and Poverty in Young Adulthood 99  
           Social Protection in the German and Greek Welfare States 100  
           Research Questions and Considerations for the Analysis 101  
        Data, Indicators and Methods 102  
        Poverty Profiles of Young People in Greece and Germany 104  
        Changes in the Poverty Risks of Young Adults by Household Context 105  
           Household Composition in Germany and Greece 106  
           Risk Factors of Relative Income Poverty and Material Deprivation 106  
           Decomposition of Changes in Poverty Risks in Times of Crisis 111  
        Discussion 116  
        References 118  
  Part III: Policy Responses and Public Discourses on Crises 120  
     Chapter 7: Transforming Children and Adolescents in Human Capital. Changes of Youth Policies in Post-Crisis Austria 121  
        Introduction 121  
        Human Capital Formation and Employability as Crisis Management 123  
        Developments and Tensions in (Early) Childcare in Austria 127  
           Institutional Developments 127  
           Emerging Tensions 130  
        Developments and Tensions in Policies for Adolescents in Austria 131  
           Institutional Developments 131  
           Emerging Tensions 132  
        Conclusions 134  
        References 135  
     Chapter 8: The German Child Poverty Discourse and its Rhetoric of Crisis 138  
        Introduction: Child Poverty as a Diverse Phenomenon 138  
        Minimum Change Approach Between Conservation and Evolution 139  
           Child Poverty as Virtue Poverty 140  
           Child Poverty as Educational Poverty 141  
        Maximum Change Approach Between Revolution and Progression 143  
           Child Poverty as Monetary Poverty 144  
           Child Poverty as Rights Poverty 146  
        The Link Between ‘Child Poverty’ and ‘Crisis’ 148  
           Virtue Poverty and the Economic Crisis 148  
           Educational Poverty and the Structural Crisis 149  
           Monetary Poverty and the Capitalism Crisis 150  
           Rights Poverty and the Refugee Crisis 151  
        Conclusion: The ‘Double Political Character’ of Child Poverty 151  
        References 152  
     Chapter 9: Global Social Policy on Children in the Global Economic Crisis 155  
        Introduction 155  
        Global Social Policy: Actors and Ideas 156  
        Global Social Policy in the Context of the Global Economic Crisis 157  
        Global Social Policy Crisis Ideas and the Role of Children 159  
        Comparing International Organisations’ Approaches: UNICEF, ILO, OECD and World Bank 160  
           United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) 160  
           Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 161  
           International Labour Organization (ILO) 162  
        World Bank 163  
        Conclusions 163  
        References 165  
     Chapter 10: Policies of Crises in the European Union Youth Field: How a Political Agenda Shapes the Concept of Youth 168  
        Introduction 168  
        The Economic Crisis and Its Impact on European Youth 169  
        The Social Construction of European Youth 170  
        Individualisation of Youth and the “Entrepreneurial Self” 171  
        Youth Policy Approaches and the Concept of Youth: Existing Classifications 172  
        Youth Policy of the European Union 174  
        Addressing Youth as “Entrepreneurial Self”: The Concept of Youth in the EU Youth Strategy 175  
           The EU Youth Strategy Reflects Increasing Uncertainty and Risk of Youth in the Aftermath of the Crisis 175  
           Investing and Empowering as Core Objectives of the EU Youth Strategy 176  
           Promoting Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship 177  
           Skills Development and the “Project Me” 178  
        Conclusions 178  
        Limitation and Outlook 179  
        References 180  
  Part IV: Subjective Processing of Crises 183  
     Chapter 11: The Second Generation in Switzerland in Times of Crises: Biographies Between Meritocratic Promise and Experiences of Inequality and Insecurity 184  
        Structural Crises and Subjective Perceptions 184  
        Europe in Crisis – and Switzerland? 186  
        Immigration and Integration Policies Under the Prevailing Insecurity and Activation 187  
        A Biographical Longitudinal Study of Adolescence in the Context of Migration and Inequality 188  
        Biographies in the Contradiction Between Meritocratic Promise and Unequal Opportunities 190  
        Accentuations of the Contradictory Basic Constellation in the Shadow of the “Crisis” 192  
           Processes of Symbolic and Political-Legal Precarization 192  
           The Perception of Transnational Economic Disparities 195  
        Discussion: Adolescents’ Space of Opportunity in the Context of (Cross-Border) Social Inequalities 197  
        References 199  
     Chapter 12: Attitudes of Children and Adolescents in Times of Crisis: Empirical Findings from Germany Between 2015 and 2018 202  
        The Analysis Context: Germany’s Political Situation Since the Arrival of Refugees in 2015 202  
        Childhood-Related Attitude Research 204  
        Resentment Among Adolescents 205  
        Economy 206  
        Migration 207  
        Identities Within the Area of Tension 209  
        Democracy and Populism 212  
        Conclusion 213  
        References 214  


