Advances in Teacher Emotion Research - The Impact on Teachers' Lives

Advances in Teacher Emotion Research - The Impact on Teachers' Lives

von: Paul A. Schutz, Michalinos Zembylas

Springer-Verlag, 2009

ISBN: 9781441905642

Sprache: Englisch

384 Seiten, Download: 2884 KB

Format:  PDF, auch als Online-Lesen

geeignet für: Apple iPad, Android Tablet PC's Online-Lesen PC, MAC, Laptop


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Advances in Teacher Emotion Research - The Impact on Teachers' Lives

  Advances in Teacher Emotion Research 2  
  Title Page 3  
  Copyright Page 4  
  Foreword: Performance, Pedagogy and Emotionality 5  
     References 7  
  Contents 8  
  Contributors 11  
  Part I Introduction 15  
     Chapter 1 16  
        Introduction to Advances in Teacher Emotion Research: The Impact on Teachers’ Lives 16  
        References 23  
  Part II Teacher Emotions in the Context of Teaching and Teacher Education 25  
     Chapter 2 26  
        Teacher Emotions: Well Being and Effectiveness 26  
           Teacher Emotions and Well Being 29  
           Stories of Three Teachers 30  
              Declining Well Being in an Unsupportive Environment 31  
              Career Advancement and Increased Sense of Well Being: Conditions and Outcomes of Positive Adaptations 31  
              Well Being Eroded 32  
              Support and Recognition: Well Being Restored 33  
              Sustaining a Sense of Well Being Against the Odds 34  
           Managing Teacher Well Being: The Call to Teach, The Management of Change and Organizational Identity 35  
              The Call to Teach 36  
              The Emotional Management of Change 38  
              Organizational Identity 39  
           Conclusion 39  
        References 40  
     Chapter 3 43  
        Seeking Eudaimonia: The Emotions in Learning to Teach and to Mentor 43  
           A Word on Happiness 45  
           Emotion as Judgment 45  
           Models of Becoming a Teacher 48  
              Mentors and Mentoring 50  
           Identities and Emotions 52  
           Who Am I? Two Case Studies 53  
              Lyle, a Beginning Teacher 54  
              Barbara, a New Mentor 57  
           Conclusion 60  
        References 61  
     Chapter 4 64  
        Emotion Management and Display in Teaching: Some Ethical and Moral Considerations in the Era of Marketization and Commercializa 64  
           The Research on Emotion Management in Service Organizations 65  
           Forms of Emotion Management in Teaching 69  
           The Determinants of Emotion Management and Display in Teaching 71  
              The Culture of Teaching 71  
              Emotion Rules 72  
              Gender 73  
              Various Determinants 73  
           The Potential Effects of Emotion Management in Teaching 74  
           Concluding Remarks: Teaching Cannot Be Emotionally Labored 75  
              Suggestions for Future Research 77  
        References 78  
     Chapter 5 81  
        Entering the Emotional Practices of Teaching 81  
           The Emotional Practice of Teaching 83  
              Emotional Understanding 84  
              Emotional Work and Emotional Labor 85  
           Emotions and Teacher Identity 86  
           Emotional Practice in Student Teaching 88  
              Autonomy: Finding a Space to Teach 89  
              Competence: Finding Fulfillment in Student Learning 91  
              Relationships with Students: Caring as Emotional Practice 94  
           Implications for Future Research and Practice 96  
        References 98  
  Part III Student and Teacher Involvement 100  
     Chapter 6 101  
        Understanding the Role of Teacher Appraisals in Shaping the Dynamics of their Relationships with Students: Deconstructing Teach 101  
           The Power of Supportive Relationships with Teachers 103  
           Teacher’s Implicit Theories of Relationships 105  
           Judging Problems, Judging Students 105  
              Primary Appraisals in the Classroom 108  
              Secondary Appraisals in the Classroom 111  
              Judging Conflict: Causal Ascriptions, Cultural Synchronization, and Deficit Thinking 112  
           Emotional Labor/Emotion Work in Student–Teacher Relationships 113  
              Active and Proactive Coping with Emotions 115  
           Examining the Emotional Life of “Challenging” Relationships with Students 117  
              Shyness/Withdraw Students 122  
              Passive-Aggression and Defiance 122  
              Hostile-Aggression 123  
              Underachievement 123  
              Dramatic Behavioral Change 124  
              Hyperactivity/Distractibility 124  
              Immaturity/Peer-Rejection 125  
              Academic Failure/Low Achievement 125  
           Understanding Burnout and Compassion Fatigue 125  
           Implications for Practice and Research 128  
        References 130  
     Chapter 7 134  
        Antecedents and Effects of Teachers’ Emotional Experiences: An Integrated Perspective and Empirical Test 134  
           Antecedents of Teacher Emotions 135  
              Classroom Goals and Their Appraisals as Antecedents of Teacher Emotions 136  
              Empirical Evidence of the Link Between Appraisals and Teacher Emotions 139  
              Consequences of Teacher Emotions: Influences of Emotions on Cognition and Behavior 140  
              Influences of Emotions on Cognition and Behavior 140  
              Teacher Emotions and their Effects on Teaching Behavior 140  
              Empirical Evidence of the Link Between Teacher Emotions and Behavior 141  
           A Reciprocal Model 142  
              Two Empirical Studies 144  
              Study 1: “I was anxious during this lesson” – Frequencies of Enjoyment, Anger, and Anxiety and the Link to Teacher Perceptions 144  
              Sample and Measures 145  
           Results 146  
              Summary and Discussion 148  
              Study 2: “Our teacher explains things really well” – The Link Between Teacher Emotions and Instructional Behavior 149  
              Sample and Scales 150  
              Results 151  
              Summary and Discussion 151  
           Conclusions and Implications for Future Research 152  
        References 153  
     Chapter 8 157  
        Teacher Transactions with the Emotional Dimensions of Student Experiences with Cancer 157  
           Rules of Evidence and Methodology 158  
              Rules of Evidence and Database Searches 159  
              Data and Data Analysis 159  
           Literature Synthesis 160  
              Teacher Sense of Purpose, School Climate and Student Engagement 160  
           Challenges Students with Cancer Face Re-entering School and Teacher Preparedness, Concerns, and Emotions 162  
              Students Living with Cancer and Their Re-integration into School 163  
              Teacher Preparedness and Emotion 165  
           New Directions for Investigation 167  
              A Phased Line of Research 168  
              First Phase: The Working Definition 169  
              Second Phase: Teacher Base-Line Data 171  
              Third Phase: Wider Data Collection and Networking 172  
           Closing Thoughts 173  
        References 174  
     Chapter 9 178  
        Emotional Scaffolding: The Emotional and Imaginative Dimensions of Teaching and Learning 178  
           The Emotional and Imaginative Dimensions of Teaching 179  
              Unexpected Emotional Responses 179  
              Neglect of Emotion and Emotional Responses to Subject Matter Content 180  
              Pedagogical Content Knowledge 181  
           Emotional Scaffolding 183  
              Scaffolding Emotion Through Imagination 185  
           Examples of Emotional Scaffolding 187  
              Mathematical Word Problems 187  
              A Potentially Boring Economics Lesson 190  
              Two Science Education Examples 192  
           Concluding Thoughts 193  
        References 194  
     Chapter 10 198  
        Educational Psychology Perspectives on Teachers’ Emotions 198  
           Affective Experiences 199  
              Affective Tendency 199  
              Social-Historical Influences 199  
              Individual Influences 201  
              Core Affect 203  
              Emotional Episode 204  
              Appraisals and Emotional Episodes 204  
              Social Construction of Emotional Episode 205  
           Emoting Process 206  
              Frustration: Ms. Bell 207  
              Anger: Ms. Conway 207  
              Happiness/Enthusiasm: Ms. Stewart 208  
              Sadness/Helplessness: Ms. Walker and Ms. Collins 209  
           Conclusions 210  
           Implications 211  
        Reference 212  
  Part IV Teachers’ Emotions in Times of Change 216  
     Chapter 11 217  
        Surviving Diversity in Times of Performativity: Understanding Teachers’ Emotional Experience of Change 217  
           Emotions and Vulnerability 218  
              Vulnerability in Times of Change and Reform 220  
           The Study 221  
              Presentation of the Schools 222  
              Findings 223  
                 Pupils with Perceived “Language Deficiency” 223  
                 Threats to the School’s Reputation 225  
                 Mediating Factors in the Organization and the Individual 226  
                    Mediating Factors in the School as an Organization 226  
                    Individual Sense-Making as a Mediating Factor 229  
           Conclusion 231  
        References 233  
     Chapter 12 235  
        Teachers’ Emotions in a Context of Reforms: To a Deeper Understanding of Teachers and Reforms 235  
           Background of Research on Teachers’ Emotions 237  
              Understanding Teachers’ Emotions: A Socio-cognitive Framework 238  
              Teachers’ Professional Identity 239  
              Situational Demands: The Context of Reforms 240  
              The Macro Nature of Reforms 241  
              Micro Nature of Large-Scale Reforms 243  
           The Case of Lori 244  
           Concluding Remarks 247  
        References 249  
     Chapter 13 254  
        Implementing High-Quality Educational Reform Efforts: An Interpersonal Circumplex Model Bridging Social and Personal Aspects o 254  
           Implementing Professional Development and Reform Efforts: The Role of Teachers’ Emotions 255  
           An Interpersonal Circumplex Model Bridging Social and Personal Aspects of Teachers’ Motivation 257  
           Social Support for Intrinsic Motivation: Self-Determination Theory 259  
              Power of Role Hierarchies 261  
           A Circumplex Model of Principal–Teacher Interpersonal Interactions 262  
              A Circumplex Model of Principal–Teacher Interpersonal Interactions 263  
           Teachers’ Motivations and Emotions: Control-Value Theory 266  
              Influence of Social Interactions on Individual Motivation 267  
           Implications and Future Research 268  
        References 270  
     Chapter 14 273  
        Beliefs and Professional Identity: Critical Constructs in Examining the Impact of Reform on the Emotional Experiences of Teache 273  
           Reform in Mathematics and Science Education 274  
           The Role of Beliefs, Identity, Goals and Emotions in Reform-Based Classroom Practice 275  
              Beliefs 276  
              Identity 277  
              Goal 279  
              Emotions 280  
           Explicating the Paths 281  
              Path A 281  
              Path B 282  
              Path C 285  
              Path D 286  
           Summary 288  
           Implications for Teacher Education and Professional Development 289  
        References 293  
  Part V Race, Gender and Power Relationships 297  
     Chapter 15 298  
        An Exploratory Study of Race and Religion in the Emotional Experience of African-American Female Teachers 298  
           Rationale for Study 299  
           Conceptual Frameworks 300  
              Emotion and Teaching 300  
              Feeling Rules and Emotion Management 301  
              Critical Race Theory 303  
              An Afrocentric Epistemology 304  
           Method 305  
              Participants 305  
              Data Collection and Analysis 306  
              Findings 308  
              Emotion Rules 308  
              Navigating Emotional Landscape 310  
           Discussion 315  
           Implications for Research and Teacher Education 317  
           Appendix 318  
           Interview Questions 318  
        References 318  
     Chapter 16 321  
        The Emotionality of Women Professors of Color in Engineering: A Critical Race Theory and Critical Race Feminism Perspective* 321  
           Race and Gender Demographics in Engineering 322  
              Racist and Sexist Experiences of Women Faculty of Color 323  
           Identity as Engineers 324  
           Emotions, Emotional Labor, and Coping 325  
           A Critical Race Theory and Feminism Perspective 326  
              Counterstorytelling 327  
              Whiteness as Property 327  
              Critical Race Feminism 328  
           A CRT and CRF Analysis 329  
              Context/Participants 329  
              Data Collection Procedures 330  
              Data Analysis Procedures 330  
           Exploring the Counterstories of Women Professors of Color in Engineering 330  
           CRP and CRF: Challenging the White and Male Identity of Engineering 335  
           Implications 337  
           Conclusion 337  
        References 338  
     Chapter 17 341  
        Emotions and Social Inequalities: Mobilizing Emotions for Social Justice Education 341  
           Emotions and Social Justice 343  
           Emotions and Social Justice Teaching: Examples from a Case Study 347  
              Emotions Related to Social Norms in Larger Context 347  
              Emotions Related to Interactions with Students Around Curriculum 349  
              Emotions Related to Ongoing Reflection on Socially Just Teaching 351  
           Reconceptualizing the Interplay Between Emotions and Social Justice Education 352  
           Conclusions 357  
        References 359  
  Part VI A Future Agenda for Research on Teachers’ Emotions in Education 362  
     Chapter 18 363  
        Research on Teachers’ Emotions in Education: Findings, Practical Implications and Future Agenda 363  
           Findings and Practical Implications of Research on Teachers’ Emotions 364  
           Future Agenda on Teachers’ Emotions 369  
           Conclusion 371  
        References 372  
  Author Index 374  
  Subject Index 383  


